William Starkey 1780 - 1827

William Starkey 1780 - 1827

William Starkey (1780 - 1827)

William Starkey was born in 1780 in Kegworth, Leicester. He second child and eldest son of Robert Starkey and Elizabeth Osbourne. He was baptised in Kegworth on 12 April 1780.

On 9 November 1802 Sarah Marriot in Radford Nottinghamshire - 10 miles from Kegworth. Sarah was born ?, the daughter of ? . Sarah had given birth to their first child - Elizabeth - about 5 months prior to their marriage. 

William and Sarah had 3 children :

  • Elizabeth Starkey Born 1802. Died ?. Married John Newham

  • Ann Starkey Born 1804. Died 1807. 

  • Ann Starkey Born 1809. Died ?. Married William Mansfield 1826 ; Married Edward Goodrich 1833

In March 1807 Williams father passes away and left him "five Messuages Cottages or Tenements with the gardens and outbuilding there to belonging situate and being at the top of Mill Lane in Kegworth" and "the small piece or plot of land call the Pingle lying at the Bottom of the said Mill Lane in Kegworth".

When Williams mother passes away in 1822 she bequeaths him her full estate which includes "a dwelling house or Tenement at Kegworth ... with the garden use of the pump"

Despite this property, William appears to be working as a labourer at the time of his death - aged 47 - around 18 July 1827, and he is buried in Kegworth on 20 July 1827.

His will goes into probate on ?. The death duties register includes a notation of £124 I am unsure whether this is the value of his estate or the tax due. There are 3 primary recipients of his will - his wife Sarah and his daughters Elizabeth and Ann. Interesting his cousin - John Starkey a Brewer is a trustee for his estate, as is another cousin Robert Osborn. 

I William Starkey of Kegworth in the County of Leicester Labourer upon the serious thoughts of Death do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

First I give devise and bequeath all my messuages cottages lands tenements hereditaments and real estate whatsoever with their appurtenances and allso all my personal estate effects and property whatsoever which I shall happen to die possessed of unto and to the use of my dear wife Sarah Starkey and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life (subject nevertheless to the payment of all my just debts funeral expenses and charges of proving this my will) and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise all those my four messuages cottages or tenements with the outbuildings gardens and appurtenances there to belonging an all other my real estate whatsoever situate and being at the top of Mill Lane in Kegworth aforesaid in the several tenures of myself, Henry Young, Robert Osborn and Mary Edan unto John Starkey of Kegworth aforesaid Maltster and Robert Osborn of the same place Brewer their heirs and assigns to and for the several uses trusts and purposes following (that is to say)

Upon trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall permit and suffer my daughter Ann Marnsfield (now the wife of William Marnsfield of Kegworth aforesaid Joiner) after the decease of my said wife to have receive and take the rents issues and profits of the said messuages and herditaments for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease upon further trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after the decease of my said daughter Ann Marnsfield sell and dispose of the same heriditaments for the best price or prices that they can get or obtain for the same and do and shall pay and divide the money arising from such sale unto and equally amongst the children or only child of my said daughter Ann Marnsfield which shall be living at the time of her decease.

I also give and bequeath unto the said John Starkey and Robert Osborn their executors or Administrators the sum of three hundred pounds in trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall pay unto or pemit and suffer my daughter or reputed daughter Elizabeth Newham (wife or John Newham of Sawley in the county of Derby Blacksmith) after the decease of my said wife to have receive and take the annual interest dividends and proceed of the said sum of three hundred pounds for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease In trust that they my said trustees or the survivors of them his executors or administrators do and shall pay the said sum of 300 pounts unto and equally amongs the children or only child of my said daughter or reputed daughter Elizabeth Newham which shall be willing at the time of her decease.

I also give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture plate linen and child and all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects and property whatsoever (not hereinbefore disposed of) unto and to the use of my said wife Sarah Starkey for her own absolute and individual use and benefit provided always and I do here by order and direct that the receipt or receipts of the said John Starkey and Robert Osbourn and the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be a good and sufficient discharge to any purchaser or purchasers Mortgagee or Mortgagees of the aforesaid hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised to them upon the several trusts aforesaid for so much money as they the said John Starkey and Robert Osborn and the survivor of them and the heirs executors and administrators of such survivor shall in such receipt respectively acknowledge to receive and that no purchaser or purchasers mortgagee or mortgagees shall be answerable for the application misapplication or non application of any money or monies whatsoever which shall be so acknowledged to be received

And lastly I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said wife sole executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other will and wills by me at anytime heretofore made

In testimony whereof I the said William Starkey the Testator to this my last will and testament contained or written on three sheets of paper have to the two first sheets

After his death Sarah continues to live in Mill Lane, and it is there we find her in 1841 living with her granddaughter Sarah - daughter of Ann. Sarah eventually passes away in August 1850 at the age of 82. She is buried in Kegworth on 18 August 1850. 

His daughter Elizabeth continues to live in the village with her husband John who became the publican at the THE PLOUGH on London Road, Kegworth. His daughter Ann remarries to a Edward Goodrich and whilst he appears in the 1841 Kegworth census as a Cooper, by 1851 he and Ann have relocated to Loughborough. Where Ann dies in 1852. 

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