Thomas Bygrave 1804 - 1848

Thomas Bygrave 1804 - 1848

Dr Thomas Bygrave Esq (1804 - 1848)

Thomas Bygrave was born in Vere Parish, Middlesex, Jamaica on 18 September 1804 the fifth child and youngest son of Thomas Bygrave and Hannah Sill. He was baptised by P Humphreys on 14th January 1805, sponsored by Andrew Wright ; Thomas W Sill ; Dr William Smith and William Kemp

Thomas studied medicine, he is noted as a practitioner in Physics and Surgery, He studied at the University of Glasgow College of Physicians and Surgeons where he graduate as an M.D in 1826 at the age on 22. Up to the 1830's French and Scottish Universities were the premier institutions for the study of Medicine, many practitioners from the Americas travelled there for their education. Entry to Medical School was challenging, the exams were supposed to keep out uncultured men by requiring competence in English, Literature, Math, Latin, Greek, Physics, Logic, and a Foreign Language. Candidates had to have had a thorough primary and secondary education to prepare them for this career path. Additionally, medical students had to be relatively wealthy or from a wealthy family that could afford to pay for tuition, books, fees, and room and board. To graduate, Thomas would have spent about 5 years in formal study and practical experience

It has not been possible to determine when the newly qualified Thomas returned to the island, but it is known by June 28 1829 he had taken over the management of the plantation following the death of his older brother Richard Bygrave.

At the time he took over the property there were ? slaves and ? stock. Based on records from the Jamaica Almanac, the property grew and prospered under his direction.

In 1833 the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 was passed and the period 1834 to 1838 saw slaves emancipated in stages, through Apprenticeship to 'Full Free'. The 1833 Act included the right of compensation for slave owners losing their 'property'. The government set aside £20 million (the equivalent of 40% of its total annual expenditure) for these payments.

In all 40,000 separate awards were made. University College London research has shown that one of these for £2448 12s 9d went to Thomas Bygrave for the 130 slaves freed from his estate at May Day Hill effective 1836.

Year Slaves Stock Source

Slave Return

1831 136 16Almanac
1832 134 16 Almanac

Slave Return
1833 136 16 Almanac

Thomas was active in the local Manchester society, in the 1839 Almanc he was noted as a Justice of the Peace, Assistant Judge and Magistrate and a trustee of the Manchester Savings Bank. He was also the surgeon of record for the Middlesex Militia Regiments of the Horse and the House of Corrections

Despite the need to now pay his work force ... It known from correspondance that Thomas was doing business with a Mr W R Gladstone in Liverpool who it appears was acting as his coffee agent. We know that Thomas travelled to England at least once, having been recorded as a passenger on the ship Oxford from Liverpool to New York in 1837 with John Davy. John was a local magistrate, fellow trustee of the Manchester Savings Bank and owner of Wear Pen, Heavitree and Topsham estates. He was later to be the executor and trustee of Thomas's will.

Following the end of slavery coffee plantations like May Day Hill were being abandoned in droves as they ceased to be profitable without low cost labour. In 1840 May Day Hill Coffee Plantation was 688 acres, with by 1845 the property had reduced 683 acres, with 5 acres being sold.

It appears that Thomas never married, choosing instead to have a number of relations with his slaves/apprentices.

  • Unknown - Potentially Eleanor Thomas Trew
  • Janet Rhoden (b. 1814)
    • Richard Bygrave - Born 1835
    • George Bygrave - Born 1841 ; Married Esther Ann Mead ; Died 1909 

Additionally, he is named as Jane Bygrave father on her death certificate, however DNA testing confirm that she is in fact the daughter of his brother Richard as stated in Thomas Will

It is thought that this number could be higher, as there a number of children with the last name Bygrave registered at May Day Hill between 1823 and 1832. 

Thomas died at his home at May Day Hill Coffee Plantation in 1848. His will lodgement is dated 26 April 1851 and in it he left the proceeds of the sale of his property to four of his 4 children (Jane ; Thomas ; Mary and John) , and his former housekeeper Eleanor Thomas Trew.

Will of Thomas Bygrave

In the name of God Ahmen

This is the last will and testament of Mr Thomas Bygrave of the parish of Machester in the country of Middlesex and Island ? aforesaid Practitioner in Physic and Surgery. I appoint John Davy of the said Parish of Machester Esquire to be Trustee and executor of my will. I bequest the specific ? following, namely. To Jane Bygrave the reputed daugher of Richard Bygrave (deceased) my Wardrobe and any any one Chest of Drawers she may select with the ? Bedstead and Bed furniture in my bedroom. To my reputed son John Bygrave my gun and tool chest my ? and one Bedsteads and Bed furniture. To my reputed son Thomas Middlemore Anderson Bygrave my ? pistols and a pair of Spring Candlesticks also ? complete and to Eleanor Thomas Trew my former Housekeeper one bedstead and bed furniture one chest of drawers and ?? . I ? unto and to the use of foresaid John Davy and his heirs all the real estate and bequeste to him his executors and administratiors.

The residue of all the personal estate of which I shall be ? or possessed or to which I shall be entitled at my decease in possession ? remainder or expectant upon the trusts and ? to the ? following namely upon trust to sell and revert into ? money my said trust estates or such parts thereof as shall be of a saleable or revertible nature and to get in the other parts thereof with full ?? power to sell by public auction or private contract ? or in parcels subject to such tems and considtions as to the ? or ? ? of ? or the time or mode payment of the purchase money or in security against or apportionment of incumbrants or as to any ? matters relating to the sale as my said trustee shall ? ? also to fix reserved bidding and buy in property offered for sale and ? or vary ? for sale and to resell without liability to answer for any consequential damage or loss and ? to effect the sale and reversion of the said trust estates on such terms and in such manners as he shall deem most advantageous also full discretionary power to suspend for such period as my said trustee shall judge expedient the sale reversion or ? of my said trust estates or any part or parts thereof respectively and ? ? for the purposes of ? and transmission ? the trusts hereinafter ? my said trust estates shall be ? as maney from the time of my decease and the rents divided ? interest and other yearly ? thereof respectively to ? ? after my decease and until the ? actual sale reversion and getting in thereof shall be ? the annual ? thereof applicable as ? for the purposes of the said trusts without ? to the amount of ? or to the nature of the investment ? investments yielding the ? and as to the ? to arise from the sale reversion and getting in of my said trust estates and all other ? to ? to the hands of the said John Davy under and by virture hereof ? trust account in the first part to pay or retain all the expenses ? to the execution of the personal trusts and powers also my debts and any funeral and testamentary expenses and in the ? place to pay over and distribute the residue of the said trust of and unto all amongst the aforesaid Jane Bygrave, John Bygrave and Thomas Middlemore Anderson Bygrave and my reputed daughter Mary Bygrave ? ? administrators and assigns ? my said trustee to give receipts for all monies and effects to be paid or ? to ? by virtue of my will and ? that such receipts shall ? the ? taking the ? from all liability to see the application or disposition of the monies or effect therein ? I exempt my said trust from liability for losses occurring without his o ? ? ? ? all wills codicils or other testamentary papers by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be and contain my last will and Testament. For witness ? I have to the ? side of this my will written on two sides of paper ? my hand and to this the ? and last side thereof my hand and ? this ___ day of ___ in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven. 

Thomas Bygrave 

Signed sealed published and ? by the said testator as his last will and testament in the presence of ups ? at the same time who at this request in his presence and in the presence of each other have herein to subscribed our names as witnesses

Alexander McFarlane ; J Paladie ; Ant Trew

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