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Land Order 1263 issued in 1863



The Railway Department has accepted tho tender of Mr. Thomas Fullelove for 1000 cubic yardsof ballast for tho Brisbane Valley branch. Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907) (about) Previous issueSaturday 23 August 1890


Probates of the wills of the following have
been granted:—
Thomas Fullelove, freeholder, of Ipswich, to
Sarah Fullelove, widow, realty and personalty
£1869;The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939) (about) Previous issueSaturday 20 February 1892


Council minutes - Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueTuesday 5 June 1877

A communication was received from Thomas Fulle
love complaining that he was being from time to time
served with noticesofarrears of rateson certain property
belonging to him. He stated that he had asked the
rate-colleotor whether there was any rates dse.oo the
property before be purchased it, and that gentleman
had assured him that were not. After buying she
house, however, he discovered that there was a large
amount of arrears due on it. He wished to know if he
was to asffer through a mistake on the part of an
oBoor of the Council.
Alderman Keogh thought that Mr. Fullelover's
letter east an imputation on the rate-collector, and he
ahould be called upon to explain.
Mr. Smith explained his action in the matter.
After a long discussion, in which most of the alder
men took part,
SAlderman Willey moved that the letter he referred
to the Legislative Committee, and that they take into
eonsideration the question of compounding arrears of
rates of long atandiqg.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueTuesday 2 February 1892


AT the Primitive Methodist Oburch, Basin Pocket, on Sunday last, the Rev. J. A. Taylor irbeached 'a memorial service in oonqection with he death of the late Mr. Thomas Fullelove, .vhd we a s?trong supporter of the Church.
Toe rev. gentleman took for hietext the words -
" And Israel said unto Joseph behold I die."
At the conclusion of an impreasive address, the
speaker referred more particularly to the de
ceased gentleman. It had been his (the
speaker'e) privilege, he esaid, to coverse with
hose who knew their friend when he was is
the hey-day of health and vigour. Theirtesti
mony of him wasee that he was juost and hooour
hble, and always sought to be fair to master
mnd men. Twenty-slx years ago, he was eon
verted to God in theOddfollows' Ball, Ipswich,
under the pathetic preaching of Miss Them,
now the wife of the Rev. Mr.. Lake,
of South Australia, aso that he woe
among the first fruitc of the chubrch in
Queensland. From the commencement of his
religions life, he took a deep and sympathetic
interest in religious matters and the general
welfare of the church. Oing to his buasiness
tact, the splendid site on which the parsonage
stood near the Grammar School wai seored to
the conheclion, and he was ~seo among the
first to contribute towards building a Primitive
Methodis'tChurab. Ac he posseased a talent
for preachbing, he& w'a put .on the loial
pieschers' plan, and h~ie calm??olear, and force
fu lanoguage in the ~u pit was not without
effect. Dnring the illness of the latter part ofFix this text
his life, he woe visited by many friendia who
hnd';known him elar before, anid when death:
oventually secized him it was, evident that it
oal meant going to the homie. for whioh he
was eb well prepared Approlpries hymns,
were sog. during his serivice, Misn BaSotord
presiding at the organ,.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueThursday 6 September 1883


Thomas Fullelove, sen., a road overseer, 'reiding?'
in the Basin Pocket, deposed that, at the last IrewclT
election, the accused called his attention to thb
electoral-roll, and pointed out the name "John
Walker." No. 1254; witness said, "I think it inast
be a mistake in the roll in the print;" the akb?sed&
said, ".I don't wish to vote if I kriew I was doin
wrong, but I have made all possible inquiries " he.
also asked witness if there was any other WValk?r
living in the Pocket ; witness said that, to tie beet
of his knowledge, there had not been a imanoftlit "
namut living there for the past four or tie yekr'a 1
asked witueies if le thought he would be safeip vot
ing ; replied that if it was his (witness') s he
should try it ; the acncused said he had been to le
John HIenry Walker."

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueTuesday 8 January 1889


A letter was read froe Thomas Fullelove,
sen., complaining of a nuisance caused oppc
site his property, in the lasin Pecket, by
storm-water, asi rrquesting the Council to
give their immediate attention to the matter.
-Left in the hands of the Mayor.


Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueTuesday 4 January 1870

Thomas Fullelove appeared to answer the above
Frem the evidence it appeared that the defendant
had let off a cracker; and the Bench, being doubtful
whbether such offence came under the meaning of the
Act, discharged him with a caution.

The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939) (about) Previous issueSaturday 13 January 1877


The following application* for certificates of
fulfilment of conditions were dealt with:—
G. Bpresser, jun , 20a. agricultural, 110 a. flrst-clasa
pastoral, 286 a. lr. seoond-class pastoral, Eak, adjourned ;
John Melville, 20a. agricultural, 40a. Arst-claaspastoral,
lite. Bocond-class pastoral, Eak, adjourned ; W. T. Keogta,
20a. agricultural, 82a. second-class pastoral, Walloon, ad
journed ; Thomas Fullelove, 20a. agricultural, 78a. first
class pastoral, Brassall, granted;


Ip?swich lost another old resident
in the person of Mrs. MIary Watson,
who died yesterday morning at 1
o'clock, at the age of 77 years, after a
brief illness lasting only four days,
The late Mrs. Watson was the wife of
Mr. Richard Watson, of the well
known firm of Messrs. Watson Biio
thers, Ipswich. She was the daughter
of the late Mr. Thomas Fullelove, of
Dasin Pocket, Ipswichll, and was
born iII Leicester, Leicesterihire,
Esngland, in 1848. With her parents
she arrived in Queensland in 1865 in
the "'Warren Hastings," since which
time she has resided in Ipswich. l:rs.
Watson was twice married. Her first
husband was the late Mr. Richard Fox.
of IDswich, and 40 years ago she
married Mr. Richard Watson. Sithe
is survived by her husband, Mr.Rich
ard Watson, and three children from
her former marriage, namely, Mrs. 3
S. Hooper, Wynnum; Mr. J. T. Fox,
Ipswlch; and Mrs. A. IH. Cory, Wyn
num. There are 22 gratndchildren and
three great grandclhilldren. 1Her eldest
son, the late Mr. 4'. 1F. S. Fox, the
w'ell-kntown cichemist cr Ip;".ch, pire
deceased Ier three months and hier
y'oungest son, the late Mr. G. P. Fox.
about 1, months ago. The late lMrs.
RWatson had always taken a keen in
terest in everything pertaln'ng to the
welfare of the town and disn.rct, oand
her loss will be keenly felt tb her
many life long friends. She wsa nslo
a great helper in all clhurch matters
and charitable functions. Thie funrnal
will leave for the pswirch Cometery.
tils morning at 11 o'clock.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueSaturday 9 June 1877


To ke Editor of the Queenrland Times.
Sin,-In your local news of last Thursday I have
readya paragraph bgarding a letter from Mr. Thomas
Fulletlore .with rsa~tenee to his vaent allotment in
the Eastern Subrbs. This matter has been befope.
the Couneil several, times. In February, 1875, be
wrote p letter to thp Oouncil oomploining that:he was
i;ot' allobitd to vole on accotiunt of arrearse due on tils
property. The Obuocil inveatigated the matter, and
reholved that he:lbtter)lio eor si moafr on .the table.
In that letter he says that he bought the allotment
guarantied to Meusri.. RghAn and C?mesron by the
c?toe:lle?lor as frit from'arrears of rates.
I renmember ih't the late Mr; Huges called at opr
office on tbhe mo?ningeof the sale, and asked the Toin
Olerk if there were any arrears of.rates on ShLopherd's
hirdIpeiy. I turioed up the ratehbook and found
Shepherd's. name, and saw that arpears of rates had I
beenr paid ' R'ughes and Cameron on the property
then occupled by Shepherd. The Town 'Clerk said
there were nad arrears against Shephe'd's name. No
pection or allotmentnwas mentioned.
r ddstinclly deiy that I ever guaranteed to Mr..
Tullelove the allotment free frbm arrears. If I did
:s,o'why did not Mr. Fullelove sy syo ewo years ago 7
Perhaps his memory is better noee Ihan it was then.
Yours truly,
W. A. SMITl, Rateocollector.
Ipawicrl, June 8.

Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908) (about) Previous issueTuesday 12 June 1877


IN RPL wb Mt. yMIrs LKtflTER
To tHe Editor q~fta e Qutpaland T2nes. a:
: DaB ria,-I tru?t you:eill kindly allownea? niall'
Ipace in you paper for olboaed theBliettimeinu'efet'
ence to Mr.4mith's letter in your lastialenying.thbt'
hb had guaranteed that the: rabt on'the property I
bought were 'paid.' I should not hasre;bticed'it it
Mr::Smith had tatsed.f-ot.: But a« hedietinctly
dauib having ear gifrni gumnteeUB, I'think I' ean
3onvinee rbia,' if ,et is not like nbslleaivihriTtiomi .
Now the fsot.s iree iflowel - rTheb giout wbvas l
by Mr.. Hughes and tbo fht for in hbyMr.. 0.tveluoo. 1
Mr..Smith wu asked by Mr.Haghea,,i4ao'tereiilr?ep
o?e f oom full of people, ehejththe boadutwaotrere t
of.rstea. The ausesertwas:"es, hl thiabrI m ptie
pared to provebhre by Lhre four reesdtBatle iinevt.
Now eir, let the rate-cllectbrdeiythiu3f k ano."It 1
bothetruth., .. . . -., .,. a. Sr'.q 7 '
. ' . Yeotn truly,. *; .m' -

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