Sarah Starkey Mansfield (1827 - 1898)
Sarah Starkey Mansfield was born in July 1827 in Kegworth, Leicester, where she was later baptised on 25 July 1827. She was the eldest child of William Mansfield and Ann Starkey.
By 1841 we find
- Sarah living with her grandmother at Mill Lane in Kegworth. Her grandmother is independent - living on the rents of a number of cottages left to her when her husband died, however young Sarah is employed as a Lace Worker. Interestingly Sarah is just using the name Sarah Starkey.
- Sarahs mother Ann remarried to a Edward Goodrich -a cooper - and they had produced 3 children and Sarahs brother Robert is living with them in Kegworth and also using the name Starkey.
- Sarahs father William appears to be living in London with his wife Eliza Clarissa Price and their 3 children
We were unable to find a divorce record, and this is highly unlikely during Victorian England - unless you were very wealthy. When Sarahs mother Ann remarried, she also used the name Starkey which flags that she was single rather than widowed. It isnt until Sarahs daughter is born that we gain a hint as to why the family is separated and the children are using Anns maiden name. There is a notation "the father Mansfield proving a married man". The fathers occupation is also "joiner". If this notation is correct then once this was proven the marriage would have been Annulled. We have found no record of a bigamy charge, but there is William Mansfield in Leicester who is charged with Fraud in Oct 1827 - but the charge is not prosecuted. In fact bigamy - whilst against the law was generally not prosecuted during this period. Often the offender simply moved away and started life anew. Given what we see from the 1841 records, this could indeed be the case.Irrespective,
On Apr 7 1844 Sarah gave birth to a daughter
- Sarah Ann Starkey Born 1844. Died 1935. Married George William Bashford 1866
The baptismal record for this birth very confusing "Sarah Ann Starkey Born Apr 7 1844 Baptised July 23rd Parents William Mansfield & Ann." The names and occupation used - "Joiner" - are actually those of Sarah's parents. That said, DNA testing does indicate that Sarah Ann Starkey was in fact the daughter of Thomas Fullelove, We will never know the reasons for the obfuscation of information on the baptismal record. , however 18 months later, on 28 Feb 1846
Whatever the reason, it is 2 years before Sarah marries Thomas Fullelove on 28 Feb Sep 1846 in Kegworth. He was born in 1823 the seventh child of Abraham Fullelove and Mary Elltinton. Thomas was noted as residing in from Radcliff on Soar in Nottinghamshire at the time of the wedding.
The marriage was by Banns - which had been previously Banns for the marriage were read on 5 Sept, 19 Sept and 19 Sept - where Sarah is no longer using the name Mansfield. The marriage ? Sept, interestingly in the banns, Sarah does not use the name Mansfield, however on the marriage registration she is recorded as Mansfield. The marriage was witnessed by her step father Edward Goodrich. The marriage is announced in several local papers. Thomas was noted as being from Radcliff on Soar in Nottinghamshire. He was born in 1823 the seventh child of Abraham Fullelove and Mary Elltinton.
Sarah and Thomas had five children :
- Mary Fullelove Born 1848. Died 1925. Married Richard Fox 1868 and Richard Shaw Watson
- Thomas Fullelove Born 1850. Died 1912. Married Margaret Wallace 1872
- Emma Fullelove Born 1853. Died ?. Married Henry Gardiner
- Ann Fullelove Born 1855. Died 1927. Married John Wallace
- George Fullelove Born 1858. Died 1928. Married Emma Mitchell
The family appear to be very mobile over the next 18 years with Thomas employed making reservoirs:
- 1846 to 1850 - it appears the family was living in the Ratcliffe / Kegworth area as the childrens birth are recorded there
- 1851 Census - the family is living in Cradden Brook, Tintwistle, Mottram, Cheshire - Thomas is working as a farm labourer and they now have 3 children - Sarah, Mary and Thomas. Sarah's brother Robert is recorded as living with them
- 1853 - 1855 - it appears the family was living in Sheffield, Yorkshire as the final two childrens births are recorded there.
- 1861 Census they are living at Dowry St, Accrington, Lancashire - Thomas is working as a labourer and they have 6 children. Sarah Ann is recorded as Sarah Starkey
In 1850 Sarah's grandmother passes away, and then in 1852 Sarahs mother passes away. It is at this point - under the terms of her grandfathers will - that Sarah and her brother Robert should have funds from the sale of the cottages in Kegworth.
... I give and devise all those my four messuages cottages or tenements with the outbuildings gardens and appurtenances there to belonging an all other my real estate whatsoever situate and being at the top of Mill Lane in Kegworth aforesaid in the several tenures of myself, Henry Young, Robert Osborn and Mary Edan unto John Starkey of Kegworth aforesaid Maltster and Robert Osborn of the same place Brewer their heirs and assigns to and for the several uses trusts and purposes following (that is to say)
Upon trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall permit and suffer my daughter Ann Marnsfield (now the wife of William Marnsfield of Kegworth aforesaid Joiner) after the decease of my said wife to have receive and take the rents issues and profits of the said messuages and hereditaments for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease upon further trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after the decease of my said daughter Ann Marnsfield sell and dispose of the same hereditaments for the best price or prices that they can get or obtain for the same and do and shall pay and divide the money arising from such sale unto and equally amongst the children or only child of my said daughter Ann Marnsfield which shall be living at the time of her decease...
In 1862 Thomas left the family in England, travelling to Australia aboard the Queen of Colonies. He has been sponsored by The Queensland Cotton Co. He sold his land order and started working as a road contractor in Ipswich. Thomas business prospers over the next 25 years and his name appears regularly in the local newspapers.
Sarah Ann and their children followed him 15 months later in February 1864 aboard the Warren Hastings which departed from Southhampton on 27 February 1864 and arrived in Brisbane on 20 June 1864. Her brother Robert (aged 34) travelled with the family.
The family first lived in the area known as Little Ipswich which was the area of early urban settlement. Now part of West Ipswich it was the area between central Ipswich and One Mile Bridge over the Bremer River. The family moved to Basins Pocket some time around ?
Not long after moving to Blackall St in Basins Pocket where that Sarah sets up a local store - which she continued to operate for many years.
In 1875 she is instrumental in the fundraising for the establishment of the Basin Pocket Primitive Method Church and helped with the groundbreaking at the Foundation Service "The sods where the pillars of the church were to be placed were then turned respectively by Mrs. Bashford, Mrs. Pitt, Miss Johnson, Miss Williams, Mrs. Seymour, Miss Belcher, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Cameron, Miss Thompson, Mrs. Fullelove, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. T. Fullelove, Mrs. Wallace, Messrs. Head, Fox, Christie, Jones, Davies, Hodges, F. Gilby, and others, who acted as proxies on behalf of a number of friends who had generously forwarded contributions." From Qld Times 18 Sep 1875.
In July 1879 she appears to have sold her store to Mr Richard Fox - who was married to her daughter Mary - "NOTICE. I HAVE This Day Sold to Mr. Richard Fox the STOCK and GOODWILL of my Business. SARAH FULLELOVE. Basin, Ipswich, July 14, 1879. Witness : C.C. Cameron." QLD Times 15 July 1879.
Mr Fox recognised her ongoing committment to the Primtive Methodist Church in an article in QLD Times on 19 Aug 1879 "Mr. Fox, in a brief address, said that, as superintendent of the Sabbath-school, he desired to thank all who had in any way assisted him in his responsible position; but in rendering honour to whom honour was due, he especially wished to state that much of the present prosperi'y of the Basin Sabbath-school was due to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Fullelove, who was ever at her post to help on in the good work when he (Mr. Fox), as a local preacher, had to be in other parts of the circuit. He concluded a very sensible address by expressing a hope that olhers would come forward to help in teaching in the Sabbath-echooL"
Following the sale of their house adjoinng the store In October 1880 Thomas starts the construction of a 4 room house for the family at Basin Pocket "WANTED, TENDERS, till the 15th, for BUILDING a FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE. Apply to THOMAS ,FULLELOVE, Basin Pocket, where all information can bo obtained "
She continued her involvement with the Sabbath School through to at least 1885 where her contributions are recognised at the anniversary celebration "As the evening shadows began to fall, they all gathered themselves together, and gave three ringing cheers for Mr. Cowell, for the great interest he had taken in their gathering; also, to Mrs. Fullelove, for the most excellent repast she had provided."
Thomas died on 30 December 1891. His probate was advertised 15 February 1892, where he is noted as a freeholder with an estate - valued at £1869 - left to his wife Sarah Fullelove.
His family placed rememberance notices for a number of years
- Queensland Time 29 Dec 1894 - FULLELOVE.—In loving remembrance of my loving husband, who departed this life December 30th, 1891. Call not back the dear departed, Anchored safe, where storms are o'er. On the border land we left him, Soon to meet and part no more. Far beyond this world of changes— Far beyond this world of care— We shall find our missing loved one In our Father's mansion fair. Inserted by his loving wife, Sarah Fullelove
- Qld Time Sat 28 Dec 1895 - FULLELOVE.—In memory of Thomas Fullelove, sen., who departed this life on December 30th, 1891. Born into the world above, They our happy brother greet ; Bear him to the throne of love, Place him at the Saviour's feet. Jesus smiles and says, " Well done, Good and faithful servant, thou ; Enter and receive thy crown ; Reign with Me triumphant now." [Inserted by his loving wife, Sarah Fullelove.
Sarah gets the house reshingled in 1896 "TENDERS are invited for SHINGLING a Four-Roomed HOUSE (Split Pine Shingles), at Basin Pocket, by SATURDAY Next, October 24th. Lowest Tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. FULLELOVE, Basin Pocket Store, Ipswich."
In 1897 Sarah sold one of the parcels of land left to her by her husband
Panel |
No., of Plaint 410 of 1896. - SARAH FULLELOVE v. SAMUEL TRUEMAN. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED. Take notice, that a Warrant of Execution has been issued upon a Judgment, obtained by the Plaintiff in the above action, and that all Defendant's right, title, and Interest (if any) of, in, and to, all that pieces or parcels of Land, situated in the country of Stanley, parish of South Brisbane, containing 14 perches, being subdivision 191 of eastern suburban allotment 79, and being the whole of the land described in Certificate of Title No. 88904, Vol. 593, Folio 144 (subject to .Mortgage No. 216101 to secure £200 at 9 per cent, and under which there is due about £150) Will he sold by the Bailiff of the above Court, by public auction, at Lennon's Hotel, George street, Brisbane, on MONDAY, the 15th day of February, 1897, at 12 o'clock .'noon, unless this Execution is previously , satisfied. Dated this twenty-eighth day of January, 1897. L.B. W. H. CARVOSSO, Registrar. J. B. Price, Solioitor for Plaintiff, Queen Street Brisbane |
Sarah became unwell some time in late January 1898 and died 13 February 1898. She was remembered in an obituary published in The Queensland Time on the day of her funeral
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DEATH OF MRS. T. FULLELOVE. Mrs. Fullelove was a very old resident of Ipswich, having lived here for about thirty five or thirty-six years. At first she resided in West Ipswich, but, so far back as 1864, she opened a store in the Pocket, which she had carried on ever since. She leaves a grown-up family of six--two sons and four daughters all of whom are well-known citizens–and about thirty grand-children and some nine great-grand-children. Mrs. Fullelove, who was seventy years of age, was for a considerable number of years a prominent member and worker in connection with the Basin Pocket Primitive Methodist Church. She was highly respected by the Church adherents and other friends, and her loss will be keenly felt in the Basin Pocket. The funeral takes place this morning, leaving the Pocket at 11 o'clock. |
She was buried at Ipswich Cemetary on 15 February 1898. The family published a thank you announcement the following Saturday
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THANKS, THE Family of the late Mrs. THOMAS FULLELOVE beg to tender their HEARTFELT THANKS to all those Kind Friends who, in various ways, showed their sympathy on the occasion of her death, and especially to Dr. MACDONALD for his kindly and skilled treatment during her illness. |
Her will was probated on 1 April March 1898 to Thomas Sampson Hawkins - as executor. In her will she leaves property to her children:
- Mary Watson - subdivision 15 of allotment 81, county of Stanley, parish of Ipswich
- Sarah Ann Bashford - subdivision 8 of allotment 82 (near Ipswich) and subdivision 8 of allotment 81, country of Stanley parish of Ipswich
- Thomas Sampson Hawkins, the younger - Subdivision 4 of allotment 62 (near Ipswich). Subdivision 14 of allotment 81, county of Stanley, parish of Ipswich ; subdivision 191 of eastern suburban allottment 79, county of Stanley, parish of South Brisbane ; and portion 474 county of Churchill, Parish of Brassall
On 15 March 1898 the Rev A H Stokes gave a special commemorative service for her at the Basin Pocket Primitive Methodist Church.
Panel |
MEMORIAL BERVICE. On Sunday evening last a large congregation assembled in theBasin Pocket Primitive M3e thodist Church to listen to a special meqorial sermon, preached by the Rev. A. H. Stokes, in connection with the death of the late Mrs. F?ullelove. The rev. gentleman chose as his text 2nd Timothy iv., 4-6. In prefacing his remarks he said, Would to God we were all able to close our lives with these words. Were this so, we should haveno unhappy regrets. Quota tions were then given of the dying expressions of great and good men who had passed away. Exhortation was given to the congregation to so live that when their end came they would be able to exclaim with the Great Apostle--" For I am now ready to be offered up," &e. During the evening a brief outline of the life of the deceased was read, in which special reference was made to the many years of useful service rendered by her in connection with that Churbch, a fact, which it was remarked, would no doub endear her to the memory of all who knew her. Her death meant a great loss to the Church with which she had been connected for so many years, and of which she had been snouh a prominent member. In coocluslon, pleesnre was dxpressed by the rev. gentleman at seeing such a large company gathered to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of one who was always ready to sup port and help a cause so near and dear to her heart. After singing one of thedeseased lady's favourite hymns (several of which were sung dauring the evening), the service, which was of a most solemn character throughout, was brought to a close. |
The family appear to be dedicated to their mother placing remembers notices for a number of subsequent year
Queensland Time Saturday 11 Feb 1899
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of Mrs. Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13, 1898. Released from sorrow sin, and pain, And freed from every care ; By angels' hands to heaven conveyed, To rest for ever there. [Inserted by her daughter, Mrs. G. Bashford.]
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13th, 1898. We miss thee from our home, dear mother ; We miss thee from thy place— A shadow o'er our life is cast ; We miss the sunshine of thy face. (Inserted by her sorrowing son and daughter, Thomas and Maggie Fullelove.]
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Follelove, who departed this life at Basin Pocket, Ipswich, on February 13th, 1898. Had He asked us, well we know, We should cry, " Oh, spare this blow ;" Yes, with streaming eyes should pray, Lord we love her, let her stay. (Inserted by her loving son and daughter, John and Ann Wallace.
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13, 1898. The face we love it now lies low ; Her fond true heart is still ; The hand that often clasped in ours Lies now in death's cold chill. Inserted by her loving son and daughter, [George and Emma Fullelove.]
Qld Times - Tuesday 12 Feb 1901
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of my dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life on February 18, 1898. "Short and sudden was her call, She, so dearly loved by all ; But, oh ! how sweet the promise given To meet with her again in heaven." [Inserted by her loving daughter.]
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13th, 1899. Short was the call she had from above, Not a word to her loved ones could say. Her eyes closed in death as a babe in its sleep. And she silently passed away." [Inserted by her loving daughters, Mrs. S. A. Bashford and Mrs. A. Wallace.]
Qld Times Thursday 13 Feb 1902
- FULLELOVE.—In sad but loving remembrance of my dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13th, 1898. For many years our family chain Was firmly linked together ; But oh, that chain is broken now, Some links have gone for ever. [Inserted by her loving daughter.]
- FULLELOVE.—In loving remembrance of our dear mother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13th, 1898. Sudden was her death to us, A great surprise to all ; When God did say come home to-day, Could we refuse His call. [Inserted by her loving daughters, Sarah Ann Bashford and Ann Wallace, and grand children.]
Qld Times - Saturday 14 Feb 1903
- FULLELOVE.—In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Sarah Fullelove, who departed this life February 13, 1898. " Gone, but not forgotten." [Inserted by her loving Daughter and Grand-daughter.]
Related Documentation
Formal Records
- 1827 Sarah Starkey Mansfield - Baptism PR
- 1841 Sarah Starkey - Census
- 1844 Sarah Ann Starkey Fullelove - Baptism PR
- 1846 Sarah Starkey - Marriage
- 1848 Mary Fullelove - Baptism PR
- 1850 Thomas Fullelove - Baptism PR
- 1851 Sarah Starkey Mansfield Fullelove - Census
- 1853 Emma Fullelover - Baptism PR
- 1856 Ann Fullelove - Baptism PR
- 1858 George Fullelove - Baptism PR
- 1861 Sarah Starkey Mansfield Fullelove - Census
- 1898 Sarah Starkey Mansfield Fullelove - Death Certificate
Associated Documentation and Links
- 1846 Marriage Notice
- 1846 Marriage Notice
- 1864 Immigration Record
- 1898 Gravestone