Sarah Ann Starkey Fullelove 1844 - 1935
Sarah Ann Starkey Fullelove appears was born 2 years before her parents marriage and when Sarah was only 17. There is no indication that she is actually Thomas's daughter. Additionally her baptismal record has very confusing information on it, specifically "Sarah Ann Starkey Born Apr 7 1844 Baptised July 23rd Parents William Mansfield & Ann ." with the note under surname "the father Mansfield proving a married man". The fathers occupation is also "Joiner". Interestingly the names and occupation on this baptism are Sarah's parents, this means there are a few potential options:
- Sarah Ann Starkey is actually Sarah Starkey Mansfields sister and Sarah and Thomas adopt her and raise her as their own, this could explain why there are no Fulleloves appearing on DNA testing. NB Sarah's Mother Ann would have only been 35 at the time.
- Sarah Starkey Mansfield has an affair with a married man of the name William Mansfield who is a joiner like her father - when she is aged 17.
- Sarah Starkey Mansfield intentionally uses erroneous information on the baptism and the parentage is unknow.
Sarah Ann
Things improved for the family in 1898 when Sarah Ann was left property in her mothers will:
Name of Deceased Proprietor.-Sarah Fullelove aforesaid.
Date of Death.-13th February, 1898.
Name of Claimant.-Sarah Ann Bashford, of Ipswich, wife of George Bashford, of the same place.
Description and Situation of Land.-Sub-division 6 of allotment 62 (near Ipswich) and subdivision 6 of allotment 81, county of Stanley, parish of Ipswich.
Estate Claimed to be Transmitted.-Fee simple.
Particulars of Will or Otherwise.-Will and codicils as aforesaid.
Date within which Caveat may be Lodged.-10th October, 1898. ,
Sarah Ann lived to the ripe old age of 91, finally passing away on 16 August 1935. At the time of her death she was living at Blackall St Basin Pocket, Ipswich. Her burial service was provided by Methodist Minister, Rev A.H. Stoke and witnessed by Mr W. Smith and Mr James Edward Burren.