Title: | Bashford Reference Documents | |
Owner: | Liz Hardie | |
Creator: | Liz Hardie | Apr 14, 2015 |
Last Changed by: | Liz Hardie | Apr 14, 2015 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://hardiefamily.atlassian.net/wiki/x/FoAm | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (14)
1751 Burial Index - Ann Bashford
1755 Baptism Index - James Bashford
1758 Baptism Index - Josiah Bashford
1760 Baptism Index - James and Josiah Bashford
1808 Burial Index - Josiah Josiah and Sarah Bashford
1841 Census - Josias Bashford
1851 Census - Josiah Bashford
1860 Enlistment Record - Navy
1861 Census - Josiah Bashford
1861 Census Record - George Bashford
1751 Burial Index - Ann Bashford
1755 Baptism Index - James Bashford
1758 Baptism Index - Josiah Bashford
1760 Baptism Index - James and Josiah Bashford
1808 Burial Index - Josiah Josiah and Sarah Bashford
1841 Census - Josias Bashford
1851 Census - Josiah Bashford
1860 Enlistment Record - Navy
1861 Census - Josiah Bashford
1861 Census Record - George Bashford
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