Georges Financial Issues and Insolvency

Georges Financial Issues and Insolvency

Financial Problems and Insolvency

It appears that George fled Queensland some time in late 1887, leaving a lot of debt. It is believed he went to Western Australia (Gold had just been recovered) prior to moving to Zeehan Tasmania. 

It is noted in the The Brisbane Courier on 24 January 1888 that "Mr George Bashford is said to have left the colony" and then again in the Logan Witness on 28 January 1888 that... "NOT EXPECTED BACK. — From the general opinion of the railway workmen and others,it is not thought likely that Mr. George Bashford - will return to this colony. It is understood that the Q. N. Bank and the Government have made arrangements to finish the railway with most of the present men employed." Whilst on the 10th of February The Telegraph notes "Bashford's Section. The Government have arranged with the Queensland National Bank to complete, on.behalf of Mr. George Bashford, the unfinished railway contract from Beenleigh to Nerang and Southport. (Also similarly noted in the Telegraph on 21 January 1888)

On 11 February 1888 The Queenslander records that "an insolvency petition was filed against him with the Supreme Court, Southern District Brisbane by Samual Shillito and Son of Ipswich, Mr Drysdale for the creditors moved for substitute service of the petition and leave to file deficient affacdavit. An order was made according. The Telegraph on 10 February provides further detail noting that:

Supreme Court.

In Chambers.Wednesday, February

 Before his Honour Sir Charles Lilluy.

In re insolvent petition of Samuel Shillito and Son, of Ipswich, v. George Bashford, of Ipswich, railway contractor, on the application of Mr. A. M. Drysdale, for petitioning creditors, Mr. James Peirson, accountant, was appointed receiver of the estate.

He was adjudicated insolvent. This was broadly announced by a number of publications on February 16 and 17 including:

  • Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton)
  • South Australian Register (Adelaide)
  • Mackay Mercury
  • Queensland Times
  • The Argus (Melbourne)
  • The Northern Miner (Charters Towers)
  • Queensland Figaro
  • The Queenslander
  • The Mercury (Hobart)
  • The Brisbane Courier

The creditors came pouring int

The Darling Downs Gazette provided information about the outstanding creditors on 29 February 1888


Bkisbane, February 28.

The first meeting of creditors in tho insolvent estate of George Bashford, was held to the principal liabilities being, G. J. Sealbrook,day. Debts were proved amounting to £3,536, £941 ; Thomas Shaw, £900 ; Robert Henderson, £487; Perkins & Co.. £382; Samuel Pitt, £265.

In The Queenslander on 3 March 1888 there was reference to the following creditors

First meetings of creditors were held on Tuesday in several insolvent estates, before Mr.William Bell, Registrar of the Supreme Court.The case of George Bashford, railway contractor, of Ipswich, was the first matter called on, and the following debts were proved:—Robert Henderson, £487 18s. 9d.; Shillito andSons, £61 11s.; Cribb and Foote, £126 10s. 4d.; G. J. Scabrook, £941 0s. 10d.; A. Shaw andCo., £154 8s. 2d.; the Hon. Patrick Perkins,£217 5s. 3d.; Samuel Pitt, £265; Thomas Shaw, £900; Perkins and Co., Limited,£382 14a. ld. Mr. Joseph Peirson, accountant, was appointed to be trustee in the estate without security, at a commission of 5 per cent on all assets realised. Messrs. Samuel Shillito, of Pimpama Bridge, Thomas Shaw, of Ipswich, and Robert Henderson, of Pimpama Bridge, were appointed a committee of inspection.

On May 30 1888 the Cairns Post and Warwick Examiner both note that "In the Insolvency Court today a certificate of discharge was granted to George Bashford, on the application of Mr Chambers"

By July 1889 his estate was in administration with this notice appearing in the Queensland Time on 6 July 1889

In the Supreme Court of Queensland.


 In the Matter of GEORGE BASHFORD,of Ipswicb, Railway Contractor, an Insolvent. CREDITORS who have not yet PROVED their DEBTS, in this Estate, are requested to do so by the Twenty-second Day of July, 1889, otherwise they will be excluded from participation in any Dividend that maybe declared.JOS. PEIRSON,227 Trustee.

On 27th July 1888 the following sales of assets from the insolvent estate are noted in the Brisbane Courier.The sale itself was conducted in the Bazaar of AJJ Warby & Co on 21st July at 11 o'clock and was heavily advertised in Brisbane Papers in the week beforehand

A J J. Warsy and Co report - Horse market dull, sales dillicult to effect the following is a list of our sales for the weed ending 26 July:

J Peirson, trustee m the insohent estate of George Bashford,

2 timber waggons 15 sets harness and 15 draft horses ((bony old and ?) £142; E. Bnecker, light harness gelding, £13; E.Elliott, 1 ditto, £11 15s.; S. Bartley, 1 ditto, £10 2s. 6d.; J. Stewart, medium draught horse, £18:J. Nuthall 1 ditto, £15 10s.: M, Morrow, light harness gelding, £15 ; ,T. M'Cownu, 1 ditto, £15 ;B. Agnew, hack, £9 10s.; W. Clark, bay pony, cart and harness, £24; bay horse, cart, and harness, £25 12s. 6d.; McLellan, spring van, £9 10s.;W. Frost, hack; £10 10s.. P. Hughes, medium draught horse, £20; 2 saddles and bridles, £5 10s.; W. H. Penhnligou. hack, £9; .J. Gregory,2 hacks, £10, £6 ; J. Dobbs, horse, cart,and harness (inferior), £14 2s. 6d.; J.Bailes, hack, £7 5s.; J. Lindsay, hack,.£6 15s.; G. Brown, hack, £8: W. G. Long,hack,£6 10s.; J. Beaver, 2 hacks, £16; W. Chandlier, hack, £6 : R. Purpoint, buggy gelding, £31 10s.; J. Simian, back, £21 ; .J. Waghorn, draught colt,£26,. medium draught, £18: W. Stringer, 3 light harness geldings, £18, £16 15s., £17 7s. 6d.;J. M'Bride, J. Gregory, G. Bonney, .T. Coulter,J. Geraghty (2). J."Savage, Shaw and Co., G.Edwards, j. H. Faulkner, G. Elliott, Arm strong,A. Green, J. Ealing, M. Ferry, Lake (2), J. K.Keane, H. Cuudith, 3. Stewart, New Zealand Insurance Company, P. Hughes (3), A. Chapman,C. Langtry, B. It. Stevenson, A. Henderson, J.Booth, J. "Hicks, and others, 31 inferior sorts at from £1 5s. to £6 17s. 6d. Cattle : On account.E. Wilson, dry cow, £2 10s.; 12 head mixed cattle, £21 ; J. Graham, milch cow, £6 10s.; F.Hughes, 24 mixed cattle, £60 ; W. Buckley, J.Graham, J. M'lhiile, 7 dry cows at from £1 to £2 17s. Gd.-[Advt.]

There was a tender for the sale of of his buildings and materials at the Saw Mill at Pimpama Bridge was advertised on 3 November 1888 in the Logan Witness

Insolvent Estate of George Bashford, toutractor.rp

TENDERS ere invited for all Galvanised Iron, Iron Buildings, and other Material belonging to this Estate, on the premises attbp Main Camp. Pimpama Bridge.The highest ot any tender not necessarily accepted.Particulars on application to the undersigned with wbotn tenders must be lodgednot later than 7th November;JOS. PEIfiSON,

 Trustee.139 Queen-street, Brisbane

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