My Jessop Family

My Jessop Family

My Jessop Family

Historically it has been identified that the Jessop family name originated in Yorkshire before spreading from right across England - for more information check out Jessop under Name Meanings.

Our family line is first found in the Blything Hundred of Suffolk in the early 1700's. It is most likely related to the Jessops of the Mutford Hundred, specifically Francis Jessop - a Cromwellian deputy of William Dowsing - who was living in Beccles, Suffolk in 1644. There were other Jessops were located in Suffolk from as early as 1500, but there is no clear relationship between those lines, nor is there any established relationship between the Suffolk Jessops and the Yorkshire Jessops.

The earliest confirmed member of our Jessop line is Robert Jessup of Huntingfield. However little detail is known of the line until his grandson John Jessop migrated to Australia in 1838.

My Jaffray ancestry goes back 10 generations and biographies exist for some members as indicated by