Mr. Roderlck G. C. Bain, a wellknown Ipswich comedian and singer of comic songs in the old days, and an employee of the Ipswich railway workshops for the last 38 years, died in the General Hospital on Friday night.He was 05 years of age, and would have retired from the workshops at the end of this year. Youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bain. he was born in Inswlch and was educated at the West Ipswich and Scot's Schools. His first employment was with Mr. F. C. Allen. a chemist. He left there to take up a position in Toowoomba. The for some years he toured Sydney,Melbourne. Hobart. Launceston,and leading southern centres with his brother. Mr. James Bain, who was engaged in the theatrical business for over half-a-century. Returning to Ipswich, he entered the service of the Railway Department, and remained at the workshops. The late Mr. Bains was a member of the Drulde' Lodge. He had an amazing facility for getting the very best out of a comic song, and was in great demand at all entertainments in Ipswich. staged In the perfod of the Great War and for some years afterwards. Over 0SOyears ago he married Miss Fanny Isobel Hamill. of Tpswilch. He is survived by his widow and four chlldren - Mesdames Roberts(Isobel) and Gibbons (Mavie).Ppswlch, and Messrs. ,Roderick(Toowoomba) and Donald (Ipswivlch). There are four grandchildren. He also leaves a brother, Mr. James Bain (Brisbane), and a sister, Miss A.Rain. Martin-street. Inswich. The funeral service was ernnducted by Rev. W. Wilson Smith.