Roderick George Chisholm Bain 1880 - 1945

Roderick George Chisholm Bain 1880 - 1945



 Mr. Roderlck G. C. Bain, a wellknown Ipswich comedian and singer of comic songs in the old days, and an employee of the Ipswich railway workshops for the last 38 years, died in the General Hospital on Friday night.He was 05 years of age, and would have retired from the workshops at the end of this year. Youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bain. he was born in Inswlch and was educated at the West Ipswich and Scot's Schools. His first employment was with Mr. F. C. Allen. a chemist. He left there to take up a position in Toowoomba. The for some years he toured Sydney,Melbourne. Hobart. Launceston,and leading southern centres with his brother. Mr. James Bain, who was engaged in the theatrical business for over half-a-century. Returning to Ipswich, he entered the service of the Railway Department, and remained at the workshops. The late Mr. Bains was a member of the Drulde' Lodge. He had an amazing facility for getting the very best out of a comic song, and was in great demand at all entertainments in Ipswich. staged In the perfod of the Great War and for some years afterwards. Over 0SOyears ago he married Miss Fanny Isobel Hamill. of Tpswilch. He is survived by his widow and four chlldren - Mesdames Roberts(Isobel) and Gibbons (Mavie).Ppswlch, and Messrs. ,Roderick(Toowoomba) and Donald (Ipswivlch). There are four grandchildren. He also leaves a brother, Mr. James Bain (Brisbane), and a sister, Miss A.Rain. Martin-street. Inswich. The funeral service was ernnducted by Rev. W. Wilson Smith.

A case of alleged wife desertion,, Fanny Isabella Bain v. Roderick George Bain, was set down for hearing yesterday be fore the Police Magistrate. Mr. W. H. Summerville appeared for defendant, and stated that the latter had been out of work for some considerable time, but had lately obtained employment and had forwarded his wife a certain sum of money. Eventually the case was adjourned for a month.


The case of Fanny lsabella a Rodanick George Chisholm Bain, desertion, came on for beaming lfesers. G. N. Walker and J. H.at the Ipewich .Police Court, "morning. r. P. L, Cardew a for the complainant, and asked case should be heard ex parte. H1istood. that the defendant had his willingness to pay 10s a week a for iner occasion he offered to'wife £1 a week, but had not done 

 The complainant asked that an,should be made' for ,he paof 15s a week.The complainant stated that ab married to defendant on the 5th otember, 1902, in Brisbane, by the T. Nesbhit. She had one.child, being .the father.. Dlenanta i asn.linig iin Hobart, Tasmania, haserte lier, and left her withoutn.am of support. Defendant in .ter to her stated that he was£2 5s a week. Witness had no.of support, and asked that anshould be made for defendant toher 15s a week. Defendant had w?ia letter to her in reply to one sen?him by herself, in which he (defLsaid he would send her £L1 a week,he had not done so. Hr. Cardewatthat it was not proposed to bringidefendant back to Queensland if he tosureties in Tancania. The Benched that the defendant should 'paya week towards the supp~rt of.isand child, the money to be pidClerk of .Petty Sessions at Ipthe first instalment to be paid on.slet of April. It was required thashould enter into xecogneeances fo'due fulfilment of the order-himselfthe sum of £40, and'two suretiessums of £20, or one surety in..'theof £40, and in the event of his Ito do. so within one month, i4tordered that he should be imprisin Brisbane Gaol for six months, orsuch time as the sureties were jorting. It was further ordced that tefendant should. be required to pay £1professional costs, and is cots o Coto be recovered by Invy and diand in default of sufficient, distrese,month's imprisonment in BribGeol. -, ?-/,

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