Margaret Bain 1860 - 1930
A large circle of friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. M. Gehr mann, of Dover and Heath streets, Wilston. The late Mrs. Gchrmann.was : born at Saint Ninlans, Stirling (Scotland), on December 19, 1860, and came to Queensland when she was two years of age with her parents, wir. and Mrs. James Bain who settled at Ipswich. She was married on December 3, 1880, and proceeded the following day by the Wotonga to Townsville, where her husband was appointed statlon master in charge of the opening of the railway to Reid River, on December 20. After five and a half years in Townsville, Mrs. Gehrmann lived for another five and a half years in Rockhampton, and then came to Brisbane. She was a keen church
worker, and was secretary of the Women's Guild of the Ithaca Presbyterian Church, and was for many | years general secretary of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union, only resigning when she went to live on the Blackall Range. On selling her property in that district in December, 1916, she returned to Brisbane to live at Wilston. Since then she had taken an active interest in the Presbyterian Church, and was vice-president of the Women's Guild up to the time of her death. The funeral took place to the Toowong Cemetery, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. Robt. Millar. The late
Mrs. Gehrmann is sur- vived by her husband, Mr. F. E. Gerh mann, and family.