19th Century Naming Pattern

19th Century Naming Pattern


</p>\n\n\n<p>19th Century Naming Patterns<br />\nAn extended modification to the Standard English Pattern<br />\nfirst son   paternal grandfather      first daughter maternal grandmother<br />\nsecond son   maternal grandfather      second daughter      paternal grandmother<br />\nthird son      father\'s paternal grandfather        third daughter mother or for mother\'s maternal grandmother<br />\nfourth son father\'s oldest brother or mother\'s paternal grandfather           fourth daughter   mother\'s oldest sister or for father\'s paternal grandmother<br />\nfifth son   mother\'s eldest brother or father\'s maternal grandfather             fifth daughter father\'s eldest sister or for mother\'s paternal grandmother<br />\nsixth son    father\'s second oldest brother or for mother\'s maternal grandfather      sixth daughter mother\'s second oldest sister or for father\'s paternal grandmother