German Naming Pattern
German Naming Patterns
In German families, the researcher might notice a few variations from the English pattern listed above. In German families, it was customary to give, at baptism, two names. The first was a spiritual or a saint\'s name in honor of a favorite saint. The second or middle name was the name the person was known by within the family. For example, you may see in one family a Johann Adam, Johann George, Johann Jacob Hetzel and some favorite female names were Anna Barbara and Anna Margaret Hetzel. It was also common practice in some German families to add the suffix "in" or "en", added to the end of a name, such as Anna Maria Hetzelin denoted female, often an unmarried female.
There are three common naming patterns used by German families. Whenever a duplicate name occurred in these patterns, the next name in the series was used. If a child died in infancy the name was often reused for the next child of the same gender. A rare twist occurred sometimes. A child�s name would be reused when a spouse died and the surviving spouse remarried and had more children with the next spouse.
Pattern A<br />\nfirst son father\'s father first daughter father\'s mother<br />\nsecond son mother\'s father second daughter mother\'s mother<br />\nthird son father third daughter mother<br />\nfourth son father�s paternal grandfather fourth daughter father�s paternal grandmother<br />\nfifth son mothers�s paternal grandfather fifth daughter mothers�s paternal grandmother<br />\nsixth son father�s maternal grandfather sixth daughter father�s maternal grandmother<br />\nseventh son mothers�s maternal grandfather seventh daughter mothers�s maternal grandmother<br />\nPattern B<br />\nfirst son father\'s father first daughter father�s mother<br />\nsecond son mother\'s father second daughter mother�s mother<br />\nthird son father third daughter mother<br />\nfourth son father�s paternal grandfather fourth daughter mothers�s paternal grandmother<br />\nfifth son mothers�s paternal grandfather fifth daughter father�s paternal grandmother<br />\nPattern C<br />\nfirst son father�s father first daughter father�s mother<br />\nsecond son mother�s father second daughter mother�s mother<br />\nthird son father�s oldest brother third daughter mother�s oldest sister<br />\nfourth son father fourth daughter mother