Charles Willoughby 1799 - 1877

Charles Willoughby 1799 - 1877

Charles Willoughby (1799 - 1877)

Charles Willoughby was born about 1799 in Kilmuckridge, Wexford, Ireland. His parents are unknown, however his father is likely to William (based on naming patterns).

Kilmuckridge (also known as The Ford and spelt Cill Mhucraise in Gaelic),  is located on the Eastern Coast of Ireland, close to the Irish Sea and 22 km south of Gorey in Wexford. The catholic church was built in 1796 and the Church of Ireland in 1815. The people of Kilmuckridge played a prominent part in the 1798 rising. 

Charles Willoughby married Ann Marie Butler (Bolton) about 1820, in Ireland.  She was born 1802-04, the daughter of George Butler of Co. Wexford but her mother is unknown. The 1853 Griffiths Valuation of Gorey has a George Butler residing at #7 Wexford St, Gorey

Charles and Ann Marie had 12 children - 8 daughters and 4 sons

  • Maria Willoughby - Born abt 1826 ; Married William Warren 1842 ; Died 1883
  • Julia Willoughby - Born abt 1827 ; Married David Jones 1854 ; Died 1866
  • William Willoughby - Born 1829 ; Married Eleanor Stringer 1852 ; Died 1915
  • Elizabeth Willoughby - Born ? ; Died ?
  • Rebecca Willoughby - Born ? ; Died ?
  • Harriett Willoughby - Born abt 1835 ; Married Richard Davis 1855 ; Died 1875
  • Mary Ann Willoughby - Born abt 1836 ; Married Edward Campbell 1858 ; Died 1895
  • Alice Willoughby - Born 1838 ; Married Joseph Newman 1865 ; Died 1922
  • Susan Willoughby - Born 1839 ; Died 1929
  • Abrahan Willoughby - Born 1843 ; Married Mary Newman 1867 ; Died 1916
  • Isaac Willoughby - Born 1846 ; Married Henrietta Bond 1868 ; Died 1899
  • Jacob Willoughby - Born 1848 ; Married Ann Conboy 1873 ; Died 1925 

We know that Charles was living in Kilmuckridge at the time of his marriage as his two eldest children are noted (in differing documentation) as having been born there (unfortunately there are no baptismal records to confirm this). The 1833 Tithe Applotment Books have record of him in Kilmuckridge



TownlandName of Occupier


in Detail




in Holding



in Townland

Rents Paid





in Holding


in Townland


Amount of


for Tithe

in Holding

Amount of


for Tithe

in Townland

A / R / P
A / R / PA / R / P£ / S / D£ / S / DA / R / PA / R / P
£ / S / D£ / S / D
KilmuckridgeCharles Willougby1 / 1 / 0Fifth0 / 0 / 0
1 / 5 / 00 / 10 / 00 / 0 / 10
Roads and Waste0 / 14 / 8½

1 / 0 / 0Third14 / 1 / 0
1 / 5 / 01 / 5 / 0

An article in The Wexford Conservative from March 1835 identifies Wexford Freemen who registered to vote - "Charles Willabey, leaseholder of Kilmuckridge" 

We do know that by 1838 Charles and Ann were living in Banoge (near Gorey), as their 5 youngest children were baptised at Christchurch, the Church of Ireland in Gorey. It is uncertain as to whether they relocate to be close to Williams family or the Bulters.

The family appear to be among a number of closed related - through marriage - protestant families who relocate to Canada between 1817 and 1855.

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