John Darrough 1850 - 1937

John Darrough 1850 - 1937

John Darrough 1850 - 1937

John Darrough, is the son of Richard Darrough and Margaret McTaggart.

His exact date and place of birth are unknown, however his death and marriage certificates put his date of birth at approximate 1850 in Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Little is known about John's movements prior to his marriage in 1882. However again based on his death certificate, it is estimated that he arrived in Australia in about 1868. 

Some time between his arrival in Australia, and 1882, he made his way to Dubbo. In Dubbo he met and married Clara Jones (AKA Julia Ann Jones). The couple were married on 13th September 1882 at the Catholic Presbytery, Dubbo. They were married by John Dunne, and the wedding was witnessed by Annie O'Brien and William Fanning.

Clara is the third child and eldest daughter of David Jones and Julia Ann Willoughby. She was born in 1862 in Campbelltown, NSW, but her birth was registered in 1863. At birth she was named Julia Ann Jones, but interestingly on her death certificate she is recorded as both Julia Ann and Clara, however on her marriage certificate she is noted as Clara Jones, and was working as a servant in Dubbo.

At the time of his marriage he was a labourer living at the Railway Extension near Dubbo. The railway from Sydney reached Dubbo in 1881. After that, Dubbo became a railway hub for the north and west bound railways, so it is most likely that John was working on the next stage of the railway

William and Margaret had 9 children :

  • John Joseph Darrough Born April 21 1883. Married Margaret Dynan ; Died 1942
  • Clara Darrough Born 1885. Died as an infant
  • Kathleen Darrough Born 1886.
  • Patrick O Darrough Born 1888. Married Reta Fletcher in 1928 in Kyogle, NSW
  • Clara Darrough Born 1890.
  • Mary Darrough Born 1892. Married Felix Darragh
  • Elizabeth Darrough Born 1895. Married Francis Lester Kelly
  • Annie B Darrough Born 1896. Married Christian C Ehlefeldt in 1916
  • Josephine Darrough Born 1899.

By the time their first child was born (7 months after their wedding) the family was living in Lismore. It was here all of their remain children were born.

John appears to have selected land .... 

Little is known about the family, or how John made a living, however their 5th daughter - Clara - became a Catholic nun - Sister Mary Isadore - so it is highly likely that the family was quite religous.

The family are varyingly known as Darragh, Darrough or Dorrough, and it appears that may have some connection with the other major Darragh family in the Northern Rivers - that of Felix Darragh. The family certainly shared childrens names and at one point intermarry.

John died on August 16 1937, in the Condong Ranges near Murwillumbah, NSW. He was buried on August 18 1936 at the Bray St Cemetary in Murwillumbah, NSW.

Clara lived for another 22 years after John\'s death. Again little is known about where she lived during this time, however it is likely she resided with one of her children. She died on 10 January 1959 in Murwillumbah, NSW and like her husbanb is buried in the Bray St Cemetary, Murwillumbah, NSW.

Associated Documents

  • Marriage Certificate - John Darrough & Clara Jones
  • Death Record - John Darrough

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