Robert Bygrave 1620 - 1698

Robert Bygrave 1620 - 1698

Robert Bygrave 1620 - 1698

Robert Bygrave was born in Sandon Hertfordshire in 1620 and christened at Rushden in Hertforshire on ?. He is the eldest child of Robert Bygrave and Anna Perman.

Robert married Avis ?

Had four known children

  • George Bygrave Born 1646 Married Elizabeth Carrington Died 1711
  • John Bygrave Born 1647
  • Matthew Bygrave Born 1649
  • James Bygrave Born 1650 Married Alice Oliver Died 1725
    • Robert Bygrave
    • George Bygrave
    • James Bygrave
    • Avis Bygrave

Robert inherited the cottage and property at Southern Green in Rushden, Hertfordshire from his brother elder brother George in 1671.

Will written 28 Nov 1693, Probate proved Jan 1698.

Last Will and Testament

In the name of God Amen!

I Robert Bygrave of Sandon in the County of Hertford Glover being in perfect memory and understanding (Praysed to God for it( do this twenty eight day of November 1693 make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament as following ffirst I resigne my soule into the hands of my mediator trusting through his merritts to receive Salvation, and my body to be devoutly buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named Imprimis I do give and bequeath unto Avis Bygrave my loving wife All those my two cottages or Tenements being at Redhill in the aforesaid parish of Sandon being now in the tenure or occupation of my son George Bygrave tobether with all barns buildings gardens, Orchards, arrable land Meadow pasture ways water water courses comons proffits comodities and appertenances to the aforesaid two cottages or Tenements belonging to or in any wise appertayning reputed or taken as part parcell or member thereof To have and to hold the said two cottages or Tenements with all the barns buildings and appertenances aforenamed unto her the said Avis Bygrave my wife for and during her naturall life without impeachment or want (?), and after her decease to my son George Bygrave and to his heirs and assignes for ever Also I give and bequeathe unto my son George Bygrave all that my cottage or Tenement with yards gardens Orchards barns Outhouses and appertenances whatsoever now standing or being at Southill Greene (?) in the parish of Rushden in the County of Hertford aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of John Pierce (?) to my son George Bygrave to his heirs and assignes for ever Item I give unto my son John Bygrave one shilling Item I give unto my son James Bygrave one shilling Item I give unto my son Matthew Bygrave one shilling Item I give unto my grandchild Robert Bygrave the son of James Bygrave the sum of twenty shillings to be paid him at the age of four and twenty years Item I give unto my son James's son George Bygrave twenty shillings to be paid to him at the age of twenty four years Item I give unto my grandchild James Bygrave son of my son James twenty shillings to be paid to him at the age of four and twenty years Item I give unto Avis Bygrave daughter of my son James forty shillings to be paid to her at the age of four and twenty years Item I give unto my son George's five children that is to say George, Robert, James Sarah and Mary Bygrave twenty shillings a piece to be paid to every one of them as they attain the age of four and twenty years All the rest of my goods and chattels unbequeathed my debts and Legacies being paid and my funerall expenses discharged I give devise and bequeath unto my loving wife Avis Bygrave and to my son George Bygrave whom I make appoint and ordaine sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament

In witness thereof I have set my hand and seale the day and yeare above

written the mark of Robert Bygrave

signed published and declared to to his last Will in the presence of

John Nutting Gent,

Henry Pitchis,

Robert Pitchis

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