George Bygrave 1713 - 1797

George Bygrave 1713 - 1797

George Bygrave (1713 - 1797)

George was born in 1713 in Redhill, Sandon, Hertfordshire. He was the eldest son of Robert Bygrave and Elizabeth Galer. He was baptised on 18 February 1713. 

We have been unable to find apprenticeship papers for George, but we know from later records he trained as a blacksmith.

In August 1738 he married Elizabeth Warbois in Ardeley, Hertfordshire. Elizabeth was the daughter of ? and ?.

George and Elizabeth had 6 children between 1739 and 1745

  • Robert Bygrave born 1739 ; married Sarah Sell 1767 ; died 1793
    • William Bygrave born 1768 died 1805
    • Elizabeth Bygrave born 1769
    • John Bygrave born 1771 married Ann Ginn 1796 died 1844
      • Elizabeth Bygrave born 1797 ; married William Theobalds 1818 ; died 1849
      • William Bygrave born 1798
      • John Bygrave born 1799 died 1848
      • Thomas Bygrave born 1801 ; married Sarah Scoot 1822 ; married Rachel Harding 1850 ; died 1866 
      • Robert Bygrave born 1802 ; married Sarah Pratt 1822 ; died 1866
      • James Bygrave born 1804
      • Mary Bygrave born 1806
      • Ann Bygrave born 1809
      • Sarah Bygrave born 1811 ; married George Bonfield 1835 ; died 1876
      • George Bygrave born 1812
      • Hannah Bygrave born 1814
      • Emma bygrave born 1817
    • George Newland born 1778 ; died 1860
  • John Bygrave born 1740
  • George Bygrave born 1742
  • James Bygrave born 1743
  • Thomas Bygrave born 1744
  • Mary Bygrave born 1745 married William Cannon 1781 died 1797
    • Mary Cannon born 1782

We know that business was prospering, because in the 1740s he took on multiple apprentices

  • Jul 26th 1742 Samual Warboys (sic) son of Elizabeth Warboys
  • 1746 John Crouch son of Jonathon Crouch

In 1751 he is named in his fathers will

Elizabeth dies some time before 1781

On 24 September 1781 George marries Mary Smith (aka Mary Sell) widow of Wallington.

Property in Sandon valued at £1 0s in the UK Land Tax Redemption of 1798

There is record of George Bygrave living in Sandon in the UK POll Books and Electoral Registers in 1761 

Last Will and Testament

In the name of God Amen I George Bygrave The Elder of Redhill in the Parish of Sandon in the County of Hartford Blacksmith being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do hearby make this my last Will and Testament as follows

First I desire that all my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the charges of proving this my Last Will may be fully paid and satisfied. I give and Devise All my Messuage lands Tenaments and Hereditaments whatsoever situate and (Large blot obscores word) at Redhill aforesaid or elsewhere except as hearafter mentioned and subeject to Paths and Pasages as hereafter mentioned unto My son John Bygrave his Heirs and Assigns forever Subeject Nevertheless to and charged with the several Legaices following that is to say with the Legacies of Twenty five pounds which I give theirout to each of my two sons James Bygrave and George Bygrave

Also with the Legacy of Thirty five ounds to Thomas Bygrave Also with the Legacies of Robert Bygraves children William John and Elizabeth Bygrave the sum of Teen Pounds apiece to each of them My Grand Children and Also Teen pounds to my grandater Marey Cannon all wich said Legacies I direct to be raised and paid out of my Estates above mentioned to my said Son John Bygrave his Heirs and Asigns within one year after my decease And in case my said son John his Heirs or Asssignes shall that neglect or refuse to pay the said several Legacies or any or either of them when they shall so respectively come due as aforesaid then I give and devise the said Mesuages Heredetaments and Estates unto all and hand every or any shuch one or more of my said children or Grand Children whose Legacies shall be unpaid and to his or her or their Heirs to hold the same unti He or She or They sall be fully paid their respective Legacies with Interest from the time shuch Respective Legacy or Legacies shall become due and all costs

Also I give unto John Bygrave My Son All the Working Tools and Utensils of my trade and ..... of a Blacksmith at my decease with the Hors Mill for his owne property

Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife Mary Bygrave the Sum of Ten Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain and all the usual furniture in my best Bedchamber I also give and devise unto my said Wife the House or Tenement and Premises with the Apertancies thier unto belonging now in the Tenor or Occupation of John Bygrave for and during the term of her natural life without impeachment of ...... and from and her decease I give and devise the same unto my son John Bygrave his Heirs and Assigns for ever And all of my Household Goods Furniture Chairs and Linens

I give unto My Son John Bygrave his Heirs and Assigns or administrators for his and their own use in paying their out five pounds to the above mentioned that is to say to George James Thomas Bygrave his brotheres and five pounds to John and Elizabeth Bygrave my Grand Children which is fifty shillings apiece and the said sum of Ten pounds above mentioned which I have given to my said Wife within one year after my decease And all the Rest and Residue of my money Stock Debts and Effects Leasehold and personal property what so every I give and bequeath unto and amongst all my children which shall be living at my decease in equal shears except shuch Goods and Furniture as were my present Wife's property before into marriage all wich I give to her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for her and her own use

Also I give and devise all that Building commonly called the Meetinghouse in Redhill aforesaid for worship of God together with the Ground whearin the same stands and the ground hearafter specifide that is on the South side of the Said Meetinghouse the Ground as fare as the gutter to the .... hegg of the spiney and on the North side eaight foot and on the west side about fouer foot and on the east side from the Meetinghouse to the spiney for a Buring ground and nessary and Usual paths and ways theair unto with the Appertanences which said premises are premises excepted in the formar part of this Will Unto Mr John Smith of Cottred Mr John Fordham of Melborn Thomas Field of Redhill Mr William Andrews Walkern and My Grand John Bygrave of Wallington Joseph Hilliton of Cotred and the thear Heirs and Assigns for ever in trust to use and appropriate the same for the Worship of God as it has (usually been?) Nevertheless to and Chargabel with the clear yearly rent or Sum of Twenty shillings a year forever which I give thereout to my son John Bygrave and his Heirs forever as a satisfaction for schuch paths or ways over his Ground as hitherto usually used to and from the said Meetinghouse

And lastly I appoint my son John Bygrave and John Sell of Wallington in the said County of Hartford yeoman Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Giving to Mr John Sell five pounds to see that my Will is executed faithfully and I do hearby revoke all other Wills made heartofore made and do declare ths to be my Last Will and Testament in Writing whereto I have set my hand and seale this Fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirtyfouer

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said George Bygrave the Testator with in mentioned as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his Request in his presence and in the presence of each other have set our names as witnessess hereunto

Tho Sell

Tho Field Signature of George Bygrave

William Beadle

Presented at Baldock 28 March 1797 Before the Rev.d Cabel Hill

John Bygrave and John Sell the witnesses named Executors were sworn to the due Execution of this Will in Form of Law and they made oath that the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased did not at the time of his Death did not amount to the sum of three hundred pounds, before inc.

Signed Cabel Hill Baldock March 28th 1797

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