Robert Bygrave 1680 - 1751

Robert Bygrave 1680 - 1751

Robert Bygrave (1680 - 1751)

Robert Bygrave was born in 1680 in Redhill, Sandon Hertfordshire. He was the ? child and 3rd and youngest son of George Bygrave and Elizabeth Carrington

As the youngest son, it is highly unlikely that Robert would inherited from his father and instead became a blacksmith. It has not been possible to find apprentice records for the period.

Robert married Elizabeth Galer on 20 April 1713 at Sandon Hertfordshire. Elizabeth's parentage is not yet known.

Had four known children:

  • George Bygrave Born 1713 Married Elizabeth Warbois Died 1797
  • Robert Bygrave Born 1715 Married Esther Tomlinson Died 1767
  • Kezia Bygrave Born 1720
  • James Bygrave Born 1725

At his death, Robert appears to have owned two properties,

  • his dwelling at Redhill near Sandon - of dwelling and outbuildings and six acres of land - which he left to his son George
  • a second smaller property at Redhill near Sandon - being occupied by one Joshua Collins that consisted of a dwelling and outbuildings, and Orchard and an acre of land - which he left to his son Robert

Last Will and Testament

Bygrave Robert of Redhill in the Parish of Sandon

In the name of God Amen I Robert Bygrave of Redhill in the parish of Sandon and County of Hertford Blacksmith being of Sound perfect and disposeing Memory do at this so good cotime (?) make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First and principally I Committ my Soul into the hands of God who gave it and my Body I Committ to the Earth Decently to be Buried According to the Discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named And as touching my Worldly Goods and Estate the Lord hath Lent me I do Order give and Dispose the same as follows Imprimis I do give and Bequeath unto my loving Wife Elizabeth Bygrave All those my Messuages or Tenements whatsoever with their and every of their Appurtenances at Redhill in the said parish or Sandon and County of Hertford aforesaid And also Six Acrres of Land and pasture Ground more or less thereunto belonging and Adjoining for and during the Term of her Naturall Life And after the decease of my said Wife I Do give and Bequeath unto my Son George Bygrave All that my Messuage or Tenement at Redhill aforesaid wherein I do Dwell The Appurtenances And an Orchard and five Acres of Land and pasture Ground more or less thereunto belonging and Adjoining To have and to hold the same until him the said George Bygrave and to his Heirs and Assigns Upon these Conditions notwithstanding that He the said George Bygrave shall pay or cause to be paid unto my Son James Bygrave and to my Daughter Kezia Bygrave and to each of them the Summ of Forty pounds apiece of Lawfull Money of Great Britain within Twelve Months after my Decease which if the said George Bygrave refuse or Neglect to do then I do give the said Messuage Orchard and Land with the Appurtenances unto my said Son James and to my said Daughter Kezia To hold and Enjoy the same untill their respective Legacys of Forty pounds apiece with the Charges of getting and Obtaining the same (if any be) fully Satisfyed Contented and paid Item after the decease of my said wife I do give and Bequeath unto my Son Robert Bygrave All that my Messuage or Tenement of Redhill aforesaid now in the Tenure or Occupation of Joshua Collins with the Appurtenances And and Orchard and one Close of Ground Conteyning One Acre more or less Adjoining the Orchard on the East side To have and to hold the same unto him the said Robert Bygrave his Heirs and Assigns for ever Upon the Conditions notwithstanding that he the said Robert Bygrave shall pay or cause to be paid unto my said Son James Bygrave and to my said Daughter Kezia Bygrave and to each of them the Summ of Ten pounds apiece of like Lawfull money within Twelve Months after my decease wich if the said Robert Bygrave refuse or Neglect to do them I do give the said Messuage or Tenement amd Premises with the Appurtenances unto my said Son James and to my said Daughter Kezia To hold and Enjoy the same untill their respective Legacys of Ten pounds apiece with their Charges of Getting and Obteyning the same (if any be) to be fully Satisfied Contented and paid Item All the rest and residue of my Goods and Chattels whatsoever and wherever I do give and Bequeath unto my said Wife Elizabeth upon Condition that she shall pay and Discharge All my Debts and Fulerall Expenses And I do Nominate and Appoint her the said Elizabeth my said Wife whole and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke All other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do Acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Thirteenth day of November in the Twlth Year of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith EPCOP Annog Dom 1725 Robert Bygrave (LS)

Signed Sealed published and Declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will in the presence of us who afterwards in his presence Subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto.

Simon Charles Mary Collins Elena Collins

Proved at Baldock the 26th August 1751 Before the Rev.d Thomas Smith Clerk Surrogate of the Worshipfull Timothy Neve Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Hunton Gd (Grace of God ?) By the Oath of the Executrix Gd To whom was granted Adcon Gd being first Sworn Gd Saving Gd

Written on reverse of Will: At Baldock August the 26th 1751 Elizabeth Bygrave Relict of Robert Bygrave Declared his only Exextrix was then and there ..... to administer and go forth Being first sworn in due form of law before one (Signature of) Tho. Smith Surrogater

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