Joseph Hardie 1787 - 1845

Joseph Hardie 1787 - 1845

Joseph Hardie (1787 - 1845)

Joseph was born at "Broomie Knowe" in Saline Fife on 1787, he was baptised in Saline on 15 Jun 1787. He was the first child and eldest son of John Hardie and Isabella Cousin.

He became a merchant and prominent local business man. Joseph was much admired and respected in his community, and was well known even further afield, as one of the founders of the “Free Church of Scotland.”

As a young man, he successfully opened a grocery store/merchantile in Kinross, and later assisted his brother James to build a manufacturing plant, and establish the distilling of "Hardie's Whisky", the predecessor of "Antiquary Scotch". . Apparently his father John may have had an interest in both of these ventures.

When Joseph retired in 1844, his nephew David (son of Josephs sister Isabella) took over the store. David had been working at the store, where he trained as a grocer and in associated trades. The store still exists and and continues to be run by descendants of David Sands.

It was to this much respected older brother that John Hardie wrote most of his letters. Judging from their letters, Joseph and John had been educated at least to the extent necessary to run a business. (Their letters were well expressed, they were consistent in their spelling, and their handwriting was good.)

Joseph was a very careful and considerate man and was looked up to by his brothers and sisters, and by his nieces and nephews. He also seems to have been a very reserved man. When he had decided to arrange for his nephew David Sands to take over his store, he found it hard to bring himself to speak to David about it, and another brother had to write the news to him, though David was working for Joseph in his store in Kinross.

Joseph never married. Upon his death he was buried with his parents.


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