Giles Higson 1595 - 1667

Giles Higson 1595 - 1667

Giles Higson (1595 - 1667)

Giles Higson was born in Middle Hulton, Deane, Lancashire

He married Alicia ?. 

  • Dorothy Higson Born 1614. Christened 26 Sep 1614 Married John Jackson Died after 1667
  • Giles Higson Born 1620 Died After 1667
  • George Higson Born 1623 ; Married Died 1690
  • Peter Higson Born 1626. Married ????. Died after 1667
  • Alice Higson Born 17 Dec 1628 Died after 1667

Last Will and Testament

The Last Will and Testament of Giles Higson of Middle Hulton

In the name of God Amen the one and thirtieth day of December in the eighteenth year of the reign of our soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland Defender of the Faith

xx xxxxx xxxxxxxI Giles Higson senior of Middle Hulton in the County of Lancaster Yeoman being aged and infirme but of good and perfect memory praised be God for the same and with all considering my approaching death and the uncertainty of the time thereof doe make and publish and declare this my last Will and Testament as following

First and principally I comitt my soul to the Almighty God xxxxxxxx to be saved by the mercie and mediacon of Jesus Christ and my bodie to Christian burial when and where it shall please God. And now as concerning my temporall goods I desire that after my decease my Executors heareafter named doe take foure honest men to their assistance and xxxx my whole estate and afterward divide it into three parts 

xxxx of the one part I give and bequeath to Alice my wife

xxx the other part I give and bequeath to my three sons and daughter xxx George Peeter Giles and Alice

And the third (part) I leave towards my funeral expenses and paying of xxxx But in case it will not reach my will and xxxx that it be deducted out of the part of my estate left three sons and daughter as aforesaid XX

I give and bequeath to my sonn in law John Jackson twelve pones ; I also give and bequeath to my daughter Dorothy Jackson twelve pones

I xxxx and make my sonne George Higson and my daughter Alice Higson Executors of my xxxxx xxxxx xx xx xxxxx

In witnesse xx hereof I xxx hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare above written

Signed and sealed

The mark of Giles Higson in the presence of us

John Higson Raphe Seddone

NB: Alice assigned her Executor?s powers to George on 4 March 1667 and probate was granted to George on the following day

Transcribed and formatted by Alan Higson, with the help of Simon Martin, from original Will held at the Lancashire Record Office.

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