Ralph Pendlebury 1702 - 1755

Ralph Pendlebury 1702 - 1755

Ralph Pendlbury (1702 - 1755)

Ralph Pendlebury was born in 1702 in Westhoughton, Deane. He was the third child and third son of Roger Pendlebury and Anne Stones.

It appears that when Ralph was 16 he fathered a bastard child on Ann Stockton of Astley

  • Ralph Stockton, base [bastard] son of Ralph Pendlebury of Dean[e] Parish and Anne Stockton of Astley - 18 October 1718.

Upon his fathers death in 1724 Ralph was jointly left the estate called Whittles with his brother Gerard (aka Garrat) according to the wishes of his fathers will he and his 3 brothers were to manage this estate, along with Colliers farm and the two coales called the witch Hayes as a single holdings for the benefit of the family. The Deeds and Writings relating to Colliers farm indicate that this was in fact the case, although it appears (based on their wills) that the brother agreed to distribute the holdings upon their death.

On 9 July 1732 he married Margaret Leyland at the Deane parish church - St Mary the Virgin - in Rumworth. Margaret was the ? child and ? daughter of Gerard Leyland and Esther ???

Ralph and Margaret had 12 children

  • Roger Pendlebury Born 1730 Died 1809
  • Gerard Pendlebury Born 1735 Died 1820
  • Ann Pendlebury Born 1737 ; Married James Higson ; Died
  • Esther Pendlebury Born 1738
  • Ralph Pendlebury Born 1740
  • John Pendlebury Born 1743
  • Mary Pendlebury Born 1745
  • Robert Pendlebury Born 1745
  • Henry Pendlbury Born 1747 Married Mary Higson ; Died 1828
  • Nancy Pendlbury Born 1747
  • Jane Pendlbury Born 1750

We know that Ralph was a chapman, and it is noted in the apprenticeship registers that he resides in Lostock, which is about 2 km from Westhoughton. He employed at least 2 apprentices as there are the following Indenture papers 

  • 1733 - John Johnson of Chester - son of Mary Johnson, widow
  • 1730 - Henry Greenhalgh

A listing of old occupations notes that a chapman is - A dealer or peddler of goods often going itinerant going from village to village. Often sold fabrics such as wool and cotton. By the 17th and 18th century before the advent of factories, a Chapman would invest in the raw materials of the cotton, woolen or silk trade, put out the work to spinners and weavers at home on piece-rates, and sell the product for profit. 

This lines up with the fact that in his fathers will there is mention of cotton manufacture and trading.

It does appear that his brother Gerard gained full ownership of Whittles after his death, as it is mentioned in his descendants will right thru to the mid 1800s, the most likely case is that he bought the property outright.

Ralph passed away in December 1755 in Blackrod, Lancashire and was buried St Mary's on 23 December 1755.

Ralph is referenced in the wills of his brothers John and Roger

Will of JOHN PENDLEBURY of Lostock

Will dated 19 Aug 1757, infirm at the time

Inventory of Goods - sold 6 Sept 1757

Executors sworn in 22 Oct 1757

All shared between his brothers and sisters, together with children of brother Ralph Pendlebury and sister Elizabeth Locker "those children to represent their Parents every one or partie to have share and share alike." 

Executors: Thomas Stones of Heaton, Thomas Marks of Westhoughton 

A crossed-out endorsement mentions "Gerard Pendlebury, oldest brother and one of the residual legatees".

Will of ROGER PENDLEBURY of Westhoughton

Will dated 24 Sept 1757, infirm at the time

Executor sworn in 10 Dec 1757

All to be sold and divided into five shares, going to 

  • brother       Jarrad Pendlebury
  • sister's son  Peter Locker
  • children of   Ralph Pendlebury
  • sister        Ann Hindley
  • sister        Mary and her daughter Ellin (divided equally between them)

Executors: Robert Hindley and John Whalley of Westhoughton (only the latter sworn in as other dead) 

From the Deane burial registers

Ralph Pendlebury of Blackrod  23 Dec 1755
John Pendlebury of Westhoughton 29 Aug 1757
Roger Pendlebury of Westhoughton 30 Sep 1757

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