Archive Documents

Archive Documents


  • 1598 20 Aug - PAPERS OF THE KAY SHUTTLEWORTH FAMILY OF GAWTHORPE - Assignment Deed 7/11 - Inskip with Sowerby - Assignment of lands and rents in Bedford, Golborne and Lowton by William Stubbs of Watchfield, Berks., esq. to James Russell of Wayeley, yeoman and Peter Higson of Hulton, husbandman
    • Assignment of Mortgage of £600: 
      • (i) William Stubbes of Watchfielde, co. Berks, esq., 

      • (ii) James Russell of Worseley, yeoman & Peter Higson of Hulton, husbandman, & 

      • (iii) Cutberte Hesketh & Nicholas Grymshawe, servants of Sir Richard Shuttleworth of Smythels -- 

        • Inskipphall, 100ac land, 60ac. meadow, 80ac. pasture, in the tenure of R.S. in Inskipp; 

        • 15 messuages, 15 gardens, 140ac. land, 40ac. meadow, 60ac. pasture, 40ac. moss, in Inskypp, Much Eccleston, & Claughton, in the tenure of Anthonie Sherdley, the wife of John Tompson, Roberte Gurnall, William Calverte, Hughe Shorrocke, James Hodgson, John Hall, Alexander Lathame, Richarde Charneley, William Calverte, Thomas Walker, Richard Burscowe, Thomas Smyth, Thomas Eves, & Richarde Tompson; 

        • 3 messuages 1 watermill, 3 gardens, 100ac. land, meadow, & pasture, in Bedforde, & 100ac. moor & moss in Bedforde near Chatmosse, in the tenure of Hughe Styrropp, George Sanderson, John Atherton, esq., William Edwardes, gent., Arnette Leech, & Robert Norrys; 

        • yearly rent of 18/6 from messuage of George Nayler in Bedforde; 

        • 9/- from messuage of Geffreye Holcroft, esq. in Bedforde; 

        • free-rent of 6/- from messuage of Sir Thomas Gerrarde the younger called Duncalfe Lande in Bedforde late in the tenure of Ales Spakeman, widow; 

        • free-rent of 8d from messuage of Sir Alexander Ratcliffe & Marie Langton, widow, called Plattehowse in Bedforde; 

        • free-rent of 16d from messuage of Thomas Seriant, gent. in Bedforde called Bollande Feilde; 

        • free-rent of 7d from messuage of Thomas Valentyne, gent., & 7½d from messuage of Nicholas Fazakerley, gent. in Bedforde; 

        • 200ac. of moor & moss in Bedforde called the Breakinges, in the tenure of Thomas Worsley, esq; 

        • 3 messuages, 3 gardens, & 30ac. land, meadow, & pasture in Goldbourne & Lawton, in the tenure of William Crechlowe, Peter Kyghley, & Nicholas Nicholson, as by Writ of Liberate in Court of Chancery 

    • 27 Jun. 1598 -- the properties in Bedford, Golborne, & Lawton to J.R. & P.H., & the properties in Inskip, Much Eccleston, & Claughton to C.H. & N.G. Witn: John Wodroffe, Thomas Underthill, John Feilden, James Wright, Edward Stubbes, Nicholas Jacksonn.

    • Seizin 3 Oct. 1598 by Edward Urmaston, attorney, of the watermill & Gresse Crofte Dowle belonging to Platt Howse in Bedford. Witn: Thomas Gellebrand, William Sale, Rychard Shuttleworth, John Rutter. Seal heraldic.

  • 1672 - PROB 11/339/305 - Will of Alexander Higson, Chapman of Bolton, Lancashire
  • 1674 - PROB 11/344/498 - Will of Richard Higson, Chapman of Leigh, Lancashire
  • 1703 - QSP/904/7 - Tyldesley and Hulton -- settlement of George Higson.
  • 1706 - QSP/952/16 - Adlington and Middle Hulton -- settlement of Alexander Higson, collier, Margrett his wife, and John, Alexander, Peter, Mary and Alice his children.
  • 1744 - QSP/1546/14 - Hulton -- bastardy order for child of Elizabeth Lomax, singlewoman, and James Higson of Middle Hulton,fustian weaver, as 7.
  • 1744 July - QSP/1542/13 - Middle Hulton -- bastardy order of Elisabeth Lomax, singlewoman, and James Higson, fustian weaver.
  • 1744 October - QSP/1546/7 - Hulton -- note of adjournment of appeal of James Higson of Middle Hulton,fustian weaver, adjudged to be the father of the bastard child of Elizabeth Lomax.
  • 1758 - Leases (counterparts) granted by Francis, Duke of Bridgwater, MIDDLE HULTON - E(B) 1201 - James Higson messuage called Higsons tenement
  • 1758 - Leases (counterparts) granted by Francis, Duke of Bridgwater, MIDDLE HULTON - E(B) 1203 - Peter Higson messuage called Wat Yate
  • 1758 - Leases (counterparts) granted by Francis, Duke of Bridgwater, MIDDLE HULTON - E(B) 1204 - Peter Higson messuage near Dean Moor and close
  • 1766 - QSP/1894/20 - Little Hulton. Order of filiation and maintenance of Thomas, bastard child of Thomas Grundy of Middle Hulton, carrier, and Sarah Higson, singlewoman

  • 1785 - Grant of £120 per year: William Hulton to Ann his mother; arising from properties in Over Hulton. Witn: James Taylor, Thomas Higson. Seal

  • 1787 - Conveyance: for £130: Henry Blundell of Ince Blundell, esq. to William Hulton -- the Yard Mine (coal) under the Marled Field in Hungerhill Tenement in Rumworth, in the tenure of Thomas Nuttall -- Witn: James Taylor, G.Fielding, James Cowell. Thomas Higson. Heraldic seals.

  • 1788 6 Mar - AW/7/12 - Will of Giles Higson of Over Hulton, fustian manufacturer

  • 1797 - QJB/49 - Debtors' Insolvency Papers - QJB/49/19-20 - James Higson of Middle Hulton, fustian manufacturer
  • 1806 - QSP/2538/55 - Westleigh. Order of filiation and maintenance of Alice, bastard child of Joseph Higson of Middle Hulton, husbandman, and Betty Cowburn, singlewoman
  • 1817 - QSP/2722/109 - Atherton to Little Hulton. Order of removal of Robert Higson, Margaret his wife and Ann, Thomas, Mary, Richard John and Margaret their children
  • 1817 - QSP/2722/105 - Atherton to Little Hulton. Order of removal of John Higson, Margaret his wife and Thomas, James, Mary, Amelia, Richard and Samuel their children

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